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Download Film Sin City

Download Film Sin City

Running time124 minutesCountryUnited StatesLanguageEnglishBudget$40 millionBox office$158.8 millionSin City (a.k.a Frank Miller's Sin City) is a 2005 American written, produced, directed. Its based on Miller's of the same name.Much of the film is based on the first, third, and fourth books in Miller's original comic series. Is about a man who embarks on a brutal rampage in search of his one-time sweetheart's killer, killing anyone, even the police, that gets in his way of finding and killing her murderer. Focuses on an getting caught in a street war between a group of prostitutes and a group of mercenaries, the police and the mob.

Another fun, gritty, violence-fuelled ride through Sin City 'Sin City: A Dame To Kill For' is a quality sequel to an exceptional, unique film. I gave 'Sin City' 4.5 stars and this film doesn't quite match the first film's graphic violence or pure originality.

Follows an aging police officer who protects a young woman from a grotesquely disfigured. The intro and outro of the film are based on the short story 'The Customer is Always Right' which is collected in Booze, Broads & Bullets, the sixth book in the comic series.The film stars an led by,. Featuring, and among others.Sin City opened to wide critical and commercial success, gathering particular recognition for the film's unique color processing which rendered most of the film in black and white while retaining or adding color for selected objects. The film was screened at the in competition and won the Technical Grand Prize for the film's 'visual shaping'. Contents.Plot The Customer Is Always Right In a penthouse on the roof of a skyscraper overlooking Basin City, a fancy party is in progress.

A woman , dressed in a red evening gown, is alone on the balcony. A man , who is narrating, comes up behind her and offers her a. They exchange a little small talk, he tells her that he sees in her eyes a 'crazy calm,' of someone who's tired of running, but doesn't want to face her problems alone. He tells her that he will save her, and take her far away. They kiss, then he shoots her. She dies in his arms. He says that he does not know who she was running from, but will 'cash her check in the morning.'

In the commentary, Frank Miller explains that the victim in this story (the Customer of the title) is actually committing. The unnamed woman had dated a mobster, and when she tried to break it off, he said that he would kill her in the most terrible way possible. She then used her connections to hire a hitman (known as the Salesman) to provide her with a quick death.That Yellow Bastard (Part 1) On the docks of Sin City, aging police officer is attempting to stop serial child murderer from and killing 11-year-old. Junior is the son of the powerful , who paid off many policemen to cover up his son's crimes, including Hartigan's partner Bob. Bob tries to convince Hartigan to walk away, and appears to succeed, but Hartigan sucker-punches him, knocking him out cold.

Hartigan then makes his way into a warehouse, knocking unconscious two local criminals. Junior is inside with the frightened Nancy and two armed henchmen, making sure that Junior and Nancy 'get along' before leaving them alone. Hartigan shoots and kills the henchmen, but Junior shoots him in the shoulder, grabs Nancy and runs out to the docks. Hartigan catches up to Junior and shoots off his ear, causing him to drop Nancy.

He then proceeds to shoot off Junior's arm and, before being shot in the back several times by Bob, who has recovered. Bob tells Hartigan to stay down, but Hartigan knows he must buy time for backup to arrive (as Bob will kill Nancy if they're alone) so he tries to pull his reserve gun, causing Bob to shoot him even more. As the sirens approach, Hartigan lapses into unconsciousness knowing that Nancy is safe, justifying himself with the words 'An old man dies, a little girl lives; fair trade.'

The Hard Goodbye After a night of lovemakingawakens to find Goldie murdered. The police arrive, and he flees the frame-up, vowing to avenge Goldie's death. He turns to Lucille , his officer, who patches his wounds and unsuccessfully warns him to give up on this mission. Marv heads to Kadie's Bar in search of information, where he interrogates and kills two hitmen sent after him. Marv then shakes down various informants, working his way up to a corrupt priest , who reveals that a member of the Roark family was behind Goldie's murder.

Marv kills the priest, but is then attacked and shot at by a woman with a strong resemblance to Goldie. Marv, recognizing that he hasn't taken his medication for his 'condition' for a long time, considers her to be a hallucination.Marv arrives at the Roark family farm, where he's subdued by the silent who managed to kill Goldie without waking him.

He awakens in the basement, with the heads of the stalker's past victims and Lucille, who was captured and lost her hand when she decided to look into Marv's story. She reveals to Marv that the killer is a cannibal.

He manages to break out, and learns that the killer's name is Kevin , but Lucille surrenders to the corrupt police officers who show up and is shot to death. Marv kills them all, hearing from their leader that Cardinal Patrick Henry Roark arranged for Goldie's murder.Marv goes to Old Town, Sin City's seeking confirmation of the killer's identity.

He's captured and allows Goldie's look-alike (her twin sister Wendy) to beat him, to convince her that he didn't kill Goldie. Convinced, she and Marv arm themselves and return to the farm. Marv kills Kevin brutally, then taking the head to Cardinal Roark, who confesses: Kevin had begun killing and eating prostitutes to swallow their souls, and the cardinal joined in; when Goldie began investigating, she was killed. Marv kills the cardinal but is shot by his guards.With great difficulty, the police force Marv to confess to killing not only Roark and Kevin, but their victims as well.

He's sentenced to death and is later visited by Wendy, who thanks him for avenging her sister and spends the night with him, telling him he can call her Goldie. They sleep together in his cell.

Marv is executed the next day, with it taking two electrocutions in the chair.The Big Fat Kill Shellie , a barmaid from Kadie's, is being harassed by her ex-boyfriend Jackie Boy. Her current boyfriend Dwight is disgusted with his brutish rival, and shoves Jackie Boy's head into a urine-filled toilet bowl, warning him to leave Shellie alone. Jackie Boy flees with his friends, heading to Old Town to cause further trouble. Dwight follows them and watches them harass young prostitute Becky. Also watching is Gail , one of the head and Dwight's on-and-off lover.When Jackie Boy threatens Becky with a gun, martial arts expert Miho sweeps down, severely injuring Jackie Boy.

As it becomes apparent Jackie Boy won't die quickly, Dwight asks Miho to finish him. She nearly severs his head, making 'a out of him.' As the prostitutes collect the dead men's money, they realize that Jackie Boy is actually well-respected police officer Lt.; his death spells a certain end to the truce between the police and the prostitutes, and war against Old Town will be inevitable.Dwight agrees to take the corpses to the local tar pit, while a Becky returns home. On the way, he has a hallucinatory conversation with Jackie Boy's corpse, who taunts him as he is chased by a police officer. Dwight talks his way out of the situation and arrives at the tar pit, but is suddenly shot by mercenaries. Meanwhile, head mercenary Manute arrives in Old Town and kidnaps Gail, explaining that an informant has revealed everything and that other mercenaries are currently invading Old Town.Dwight kills several but is knocked into the tar by a grenade; he sinks into the tar and nearly drowns before Miho arrives and saves him.

However, the other mercenaries have escaped and have taken Jackie Boy's severed head with them. Dwight and Miho chase after the mercenaries and have a car accident, followed by a violent shoot-out that ends with the death of both mercenaries and the retrieval of Jackie Boy's head. Dwight devises a plan and he and Miho return to Old Town.As Gail is being tortured, she learns that Becky was the traitor, informing the mercenaries out of fear and greed. Manute receives a letter from Dwight via arrow from Miho, offering Jackie Boy's head in exchange for Gail. They meet in the back-alley, where the trade is made, though the mercenaries plan to kill them anyway.

Dwight suddenly activates a grenade he'd placed in Jackie Boy's Head, completely destroying it and any evidence that could have been taken to the cops. The other prostitutes of Old Town then reveal themselves on the roof tops surrounding the alley and gun down the mercenaries. Amidst the gunfire, an injured Becky escapes while Dwight and Gail kiss passionately.That Yellow Bastard (Part 2) Hartigan, who survived his wounds, is recovering in a hospital.

Senator Roark (Boothe), Junior's father, arrives and informs him that Junior is in a and all plans for the Roark legacy are now in serious jeopardy. Senator Roark reveals that Hartigan will survive, will be framed for Junior's crimes and serve the resultant jail term. Additionally, if Hartigan tells anyone the truth, the informed people will be killed. A grateful Nancy visits and thanks him. She promises to write letters to Hartigan every week while he's in prison and departs.Hartigan complies and goes to jail, knowing its the only way to protect Nancy and his loved ones, though he refuses to officially confess to the crimes, preventing any possibility of. He receives the weekly letter from Nancy as promised. After 8 years, however, the letters stop arriving, and then Hartigan receives a severed finger instead.

Realizing she could have been kidnapped by the Roarks, Hartigan finally confesses to all charges, knowing this will lead to his release and being able to help Nancy. Outside the jail, he reunites with his old partner, Bob, who has come to regret his actions. Bob drives Hartigan to the city, telling him that Hartigan's wife has remarried and has children.

Unknowingly being stalked by a deformed, yellow-skinned man, Hartigan searches for Nancy, eventually finding her at Kadie's Bar, where she has become a 19-year-old.Realizing that the severed finger was a fake and that he was set up to lead the Roarks to Nancy, he tries to leave unnoticed but is seen by her, leading her to jump into his arms and kiss him passionately. Knowing they have been 'made,' they quickly escape in Nancy's car. The yellow-skinned man follows in his own car and shoots at them, but Hartigan shoots back, hitting the yellow-skinned man. When Hartigan and Nancy turn back to confirm the kill, the yellow-skinned man hides in the back of Nancy's car.

Arriving at a hotel, Nancy reveals that she's in love with Hartigan and tries to seduce him, much to his discomfort. The deformed man then attacks them again, revealing himself as Junior Roark, though Hartigan now refers to him as the Yellow Bastard.The Yellow Bastard, having been disfigured by the years of surgery necessary to regenerate his missing pieces, leaves Hartigan for dead, having hanged him, and takes Nancy to the Roark farm to finally rape and kill her. Hartigan escapes, however, and tracks the Yellow Bastard to the farm, where he's whipping and torturing Nancy.

Hartigan kills the guards and then corners the Yellow Bastard and fakes a heart attack to fool him into letting go of Nancy, giving Hartigan the chance to stab him before him (with his bare hands) and beating him to death.Hartigan tells Nancy his plans to reveal Senator Roark's corruption to the police and finally bring down organized crime in Sin City, in order to convince her to leave him. After Nancy departs, Hartigan, knowing that this would be impossible, and Roark will never stop hunting them as long as Hartigan lives, then commits in order to ensure Nancy's safety once and for all.

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He reminds himself 'An old man dies, a young woman lives; fair trade', before shooting himself in the head.Epilogue An injured Becky departs from a hospital, talking on a cell phone with her mother. While riding in the elevator, she is met by the Salesman, who offers her a cigarette. Realizing who he is, and knowing he's there to deal with her, she tells her mother she loves her and hangs up.Cast Notable roles:. as (known in the screenplay as 'The Man'). as. as.


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asProduction. See also:Principal photography began on March 29, 2004. Several of the scenes were shot before every actor had signed on; as a result, several stand-ins were used before the actual actors were digitally added into the film during post-production.

Rodriguez, an aficionado of cinematic technology, has used similar techniques in the past. In 's review of the film, he recalled Rodriguez's speech during production of: 'This is the future! You don't wait six hours for a scene to be lighted.

You want a light over here, you grab a light and put it over here. You want a nuclear submarine, you make one out of thin air and put your characters into it.' The film was noted throughout production for Rodriguez's plan to stay faithful to the source material, unlike most other comic book adaptations. Rodriguez stated that he considered the film to be 'less of an adaptation than a translation'. As a result, there's no screenwriting in the credits; simply 'Based on the graphic novels by Frank Miller'.

There were several minor changes, such as dialogue trimming, new colorized objects, removal of some nudity, slightly edited violence, and minor deleted scenes. These scenes were later added in the release of the Sin City Collectors DVD, which also split the books into the 4 separate stories. Main article:A sequel, was released on August 22, 2014.

Production for the sequel began in October 2012 with and directing a script co-written by them. The film was based mainly on, the second book in the Sin City series by Miller, and also included the short story 'Just Another Saturday Night' from the collection, as well as two original stories written by Miller for the film, titled 'The Long Bad Night' and 'Nancy's Last Dance'. Actors, and all reprised their roles in the sequel, amongst others. Unlike the 2005 original, the sequel was a critical and financial disappointment. TV series Dimension Films is developing a soft reboot of the series for television, Stephen L’Heureux who produced the second film will oversee the series with Sin City creator Frank Miller. This will be with new characters and timelines and be more like the comics rather than the films.

See also.References.

SynopsisMarv is unconscious on a highway surrounded by corpses. When he awakes, he has amnesia and tries to recall his last steps from the Kadie's saloon on the Saturday night. He recalls that he found four playboys burning a homeless man alive and defended the poor man.

Marv hunts them down and kills the group. The cocky gambler Johnny hits jackpot in slot machines in the Kadie's saloon and invites the waitress Marcie to go with him to play poker game against the powerful Senator Roark. He wins the game and suffers the consequence of his arrogance. The private detective Dwight McCarthy is contacted by his former lover Ava Lord that asks to meet him at the Kadie's saloon. Ava asks him for forgiveness for leaving him to marry the wealthy Damian Lord.

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However her strong chauffeur Manute takes her home. Dwight snoops around Ava's house but is found and beaten by Manute and the bodyguards. When he returns home, Ava is waiting for him naked in the bed and seduces him again. Then she tells that.

Download Film Sin City